
Payments for Ecosystem Services, what a topic! Right after the CPES workshop in Evreux (read here), several partners of CPES project took part to a workshop organised by the collective "Pour une autre PAC" (For another CAP) and French senator Joël Labbé on December the 7th 2018 in Paris. The purpose was to discuss the implementation of PES in the future Common Agricultural Policy.

Based on an assessment of the difficulties associated with the Agri-environmental Measures (AEM) scheme and the voluntary ecoscheme in the new CAP, multiple stakeholders and representatives of agricultural, environment, water, biodiversity groups talked during two round-tables on the following topics:

  • PES within the CAP: legitimacy and purposes?
  • Implementation of PES through the CAP: amounts, criteria, efficiency?

Many of the PES topics that have surfaced through the CPES project were well reflected in the day's discussions. Representatives of the Water Union of Roumois and Plateau Neubourg, Sara Hernandez Consulting and the Seine Normandy Water Agency made the trip to participate in these discussions upon the news of the future of CAP and the government's requests from field experiences.