Screening-debate: The sense of water : postponed to 2021

On November 26, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. (postponed to 2021), at the Le Viking cinema in Neubourg, there will be a screening debate organized jointly by the municipality of Neubourg and the Syndicat d'Eau du Roumois and of Plateau du Neubourg.

This documentary, produced by Baptiste Cléret (from Rouen Normandy University and the NIMEC Research Laboratory) and by Marine Gratecap (animation manager at SERPN), offers a return to the BAC approach in the Tremblay Omonville area. Indeed, the Capture Feed Basin delimits a territory where voluntary actions are encouraged to limit diffuse pollution. On the Tremblay Omonville BAC, the issue of water quality is that of nitrates.
For several years, the farmers of the territory, with the animation of the SERPN and more particularly of Marine, have been able to wonder about the impact of their practices on the water quality. The documentary and the exchange proposed then will present the work carried out since 2011.
Entrance is open to everyone and free.

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